- We are to have no other gods, because Jesus is the only God we are to worship (1 Tim 2: 5)
- We are not to craft idols of our own image, because Jesus is the one perfect image of God (Col 1: 15)
- We are not to misuse God's name, or treat it lightly, because Jesus is the name of the God (Phil 2: 10-11)
- We are to remember and sanctify the true Sabbath, because Jesus is our Sabbath rest (Matt 12: 8)
- We are to honour parents and families, because Jesus is our elder brother who restores us to the Father (John 5: 19-24; Lk 15)
- We are not to murder or harbour hatred in our hearts, because Jesus is our life – he gave his life that we might live (Col 3:4)
- We do engage in adulterous relationships, because Jesus is our bridegroom (Eph 5:22-23)
- We do not take what God has not given us, because Jesus is the source of our inheritance (Eph 1: 11)
- We do draw others into our false reality, because Jesus is God’s truth (John 14: 6)
- We do not covet what God has not given, because Jesus is what we need – he satisfies the desires of our hearts (2 Cor 3:5)

HT: Toby Neal
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