Tuesday 31 December 2019

2020 Congregational Bible Experience: NT Reading Plan.

As we begin 2020, we are encouraging as many within the congregation as are able to begin to read the whole of the New Testament together between now and Easter. While paper copies of the plans are available in church which you can tick off and use as Bible bookmarks, the reading schedule is also given below for your convenience. You can click on it to enlarge it if that's helpful.

In addition, we hope to provide simple daily Bible reading notes on this blog to accompany each day's reading to help in your understanding and appreciation of the chapters to be read each day. You may wish to make some comment about each day's reading - perhaps about anything that was particularly striking, or unexpected, or a real encouragement, or even difficult to make sense of - and we'll try to respond as quickly as possible.
Every blessing in your prayerful reading, and ... Happy New Year!