Thursday 3 January 2013

Les Misérables: the power of a grace-transformed life

Coming to a cinema near you ...
Next weekend sees the UK release of the latest version of Victor Hugo's Les Misérables to be brought to the big screen.  By all accounts, this promises to a real treat, cinematically, musically, and theologically illuminating the impact of overwhelming undeserved grace upon the human heart.
The film is bound to stir conversations among regular film-goers and those who go only occasionally.  It will (or should) also provide opportunities for discussion among those who misunderstand the nature and character of the Christian faith. You might find the following links helpful in preparing for those 'water-cooler' moments:  Trevin Wax positively and very helpfully reviews the film from a Gospel-centric position; while Tullian Tchividjian comments thoughtfully upon a dominant theme of the book and film, our heart's addiction to the law and natural aversion to 'grace'.

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