Saturday 7 January 2012

A weariness of God?

Having enthusiastically launched our 'Read the Bible in a year' scheme in church last Sunday morning, I confess that my own daily Bible reading and prayer this past week has been somewhat less than consistent. So much for the motivating and sustaining power of good intentions.  Here are some heart searching thoughts from Puritan John Owen as he gets to the bottom of what's really going on...
"All neglect of private duties [by which he means personal Bible reading and prayer] is principled by a weariness of God.... God alone being the fountain and spring of spiritual life, if there be a weariness of him and withdrawing from him, it is impossible but that there will a decay in the life ensue. Indeed, what men are in these duties (I mean as to faith and love in them), that they are, and no more. Here lies the root of their obedience; and if this fail, all fruit will quickly fail." John Owen, Works 6:300
HT: Eric Ortlund, who offers some further helpful reflections here.
And thinking some more about the weakness of the human heart to carry through with what it says it wants to resolve to do, see Tullian's piece here.

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