Friday 25 November 2011

A Prayer abut two very different Fridays

On the far side of 'the Pond', today is 'Black Friday', when, having been so demonstrably thankful for so much the day before, the American public realise there's so much more to be had, and so come out onto the streets in their droves and fill the shops looking for the bargains on offer.  We Brits and Irish are no less consumer or materialistically driven.  We used to have the 'January sales'.  But now, immediately after showering our nearest and dearest with gifts at Christmastime, and not being in the least grateful for what we have received, we too fight and scramble in High Street shops for more, looking for that  one 'thing' that will bring us lasting joy and satisfaction.  How easy we forget about  and fail to cherish God's gift to a lost and dying world, Jesus.
Pastor Scotty Smith has been thinking about this as well.  Here's his prayer for today ...

So do not worry, saying, “What shall we eat?” or “What shall we drink?” or “What shall we wear?” For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matt. 6:31-33
Lord Jesus, there’s more traffic than usual on the roads early this morning, but not as much as last year. Though it’s just a little after 4:00 am, Black Friday got a jump start this year with doors opening at midnight. People have already been pushing against doors, running up aisles, and grabbing for items for many hours now.
Jesus, I’m not sitting here in condescending judgment of anyone, for there’s no one, by nature, more greedy or grabby than me. I am just as inclined to “run after these things” as anyone else. I thank you that I get to live in a time and place of abundance. I praise you I’ve never had to be concerned about what I’ll eat, drink, or wear. And I’m grateful that many people will enjoy fine savings and get real bargains today.
But all the hubbub of Black Friday, simply makes me more grateful for another Friday—for Good Friday and what you accomplished that day for us on the cross.
At your expense, the riches of grace are freely lavished on ill-deserving people, like me. It’s only because of you, Jesus, that I know God as Abba, Father—who knows my every need; who answers before I ask; who gives me all things richly to enjoy; who satisfies my hunger and slakes my thirst, with the manna of the gospel and the living water of the Spirit; who has clothed my shameful nakedness with your perfect righteousness.
Anybody that knows you is wealthy beyond all imagination, measure and accounting. We praise you. We adore you. We worship you with humble and grateful hearts.
Two days after this Black Friday we will celebrate the first Sunday in Advent. As we reflect upon the promises of your coming and the wonder of your birth, teach us anew what it means to seek your kingdom first, above anything and everything else. What new chapters of your story of redemption and restoration would you write through us?
Even as your righteous has come to us by faith, how might it come through us to the broken places in our communities? Rather than spending more money on ourselves, how would you have us invest our time, talent, and treasure in serving others? We praise you for your transforming kingdom and we long for its consummate fullness. So very Amen we pray, with grateful hearts and great anticipation. 

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